Objective Happiness - The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness.

7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 25 - Sunday, June 22, 2003


1) Prosperity & Happiness Quotes

2) Featured Product of the Week

3) Our Subscriber Submissions

4) View Past Issues


I hope you are well and that these quotes will help you in your search for more prosperity and happiness. It is my pleasure each week to bring some of that to you and those you keep close.

Please submit your comments or questions to the contact link below. Your feedback is much appreciated and so are your quote submissions! Thanks in advance.

Congratulations to the Graduates and a special thanks to the teachers!

1) Offer from "Insight of the Day"

Would you like to start your day with a positive message to reflect upon by receiving an uplifting quote from Monday to Thursday and an inspirational story on Friday? Twice a month there's a special offer on self-development products at a discounted price, exclusive to "Insight of the Day" subscribers.

With your FREE subscription to "Insight of the Day", receive a free download of "The Razor's Edge" from Bob Proctor's best-selling book "You Were Born Rich". Go here to register: rebelwithacause.com/oh/insight.htm

Current "Insight of the Day" subscribers may get another FREE e-book, just invite one or more of your friends to receive "Insight of the Day" and download Albert Gray's classic "The Common Denominator of Success". The referral link is on the bottom of all "Insight of the Day" emails.


2) The 7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 25


1. "Would you like me to give you a formula for...success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure... You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all...You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success. On the far side of failure." - Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

2. "All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve are a direct result of his own thoughts." - James Allen

3. "Happiness and virtue rest upon each other; the best are not only the happiest, but the happiest are usually the best." - Bulwer

4. "Choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day of your life." - Confucius

5. "Decision and determination are the engineer and fireman of our train to opportunity and success." - Burt Lawlor

6. "Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate your friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is." - Mary Anne Radmacher

7. "My list of ingredients for success is divided into four basic groups: Inward, Outward, Upward and Onward." - David Thomas


3) Featured Product of the Week

I Desire Success - Teaches you how to plug into the Power Source of the Super-Successful and Live Your Dreams. The Super-Successful get to choose what they want to do everyday. They are in control of their lives. They decide what is important to them; spirituality, family, career, charity, recreation. Your Dreams Are Worth Living, Right? www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/idesiresuccess.htm

For more life-enhancing products and services, visit rebelwithacause.com/oh


4) Quote Submissions from Our Subscribers

"There's a destiny that makes us brothers, none goes his way alone, all that we send into the lives of others, comes back into our own." - Edwin Markham - Submitted by DawnRose

"Be Happy And Make Others Happy, Keep Laughing Make Others Laugh Too, This Will Keep You Always Happy And Strong." - Ashish Mude

"For me, there always a happiness beside of a painful... There is no dream that could not be come true... Love always on my side..." - Alia Syarifiah

"Sometimes the only thing you can change about a situation..... is your attitude." - Jan Emery Riggs

"Everything on Earth and in the Entire Universe...changes..... In...cycles....similar to our four seasons, but in a circle type cycle." - Henry H. Morales

"Life you know, is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We are all of us looking for the key." - Alan Bennett - Submitted by Karen Hillelson

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37 v 4 (New International Version). This was given to me as a new Christian when I was going through a very traumatic time. It helped me tremendously then, and still does today. - Submitted by Dorothy Houghton


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As A Man Thinketh Have a very prosperous and happy week!

John Roberts
Contact Us: www.rebelwithacause.com/contact.htm
