Objective Happiness - The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness.

7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 28 - Sunday, July 13, 2003


1) Prosperity & Happiness Quotes

2) Featured Product of the Week

3) Our Subscriber Submissions

4) View Past Issues


I hope you are well and that these quotes will help you in your search for more prosperity and happiness. It is my pleasure each week to bring some of that to you and those you keep close.

Please submit your comments or questions to the contact link below. Your feedback is much appreciated and so are your quote submissions! Thanks in advance.

1) Offer from "Insight of the Day"

Would you like to start your day with a positive message to reflect upon by receiving an uplifting quote from Monday to Thursday and an inspirational story on Friday? Twice a month there's a special offer on self-development products at a discounted price, exclusive to "Insight of the Day" subscribers.

With your FREE subscription to "Insight of the Day", receive a free download of "The Razor's Edge" from Bob Proctor's best-selling book "You Were Born Rich". Go here to register: rebelwithacause.com/oh/insight.htm

Current "Insight of the Day" subscribers may get another FREE e-book, just invite one or more of your friends to receive "Insight of the Day" and download Albert Gray's classic "The Common Denominator of Success". The referral link is on the bottom of all "Insight of the Day" emails.


2) The 7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 28


1. "The only good luck many great men ever had was being born with the ability and determination to overcome bad luck." - Channing Pollock

2. "If only we wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, which is difficult, since we think them happier than they are." - Monesquieu

3. "Fools look to tomorrow; wise men use tonight." - Scottish Proverb

4. "Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." - Benjamin Disraeli

5. "We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility." - Albert Einstein

6. "Every life has its dark and cheerful hours. Happiness comes from choosing which to remember." - Sol Gordon

7. "The mere sense of living is joy enough." - Emily Dickinson


3) Featured Product of the Week

The Freedom Series - Are you improving every day? Can one person make a big difference in the outcome of your life? The influence of one person CAN make a gigantic difference in your future. Bob Proctor's The Freedom Series can do just that! * Increase self awareness * Develop more meaningful relationships * Multiply income * Create and maintain a Winner's Self-Image * Achieve any goal * and so much more that it would take an entire letter to describe all of the benefits. To get a sample of what The Freedom Series is like and to learn more, go here:

For more life-enhancing products and services, visit rebelwithacause.com/oh


4) Quote Submissions from Our Subscribers

"Never underestimate the power of hard work" - Alicia Keys

"What will I do today, that my children will need therapy for tomorrow?" - Ronda Philp

"May your memories never die- let them lead you to be a bigger and better person by learning from their lessons." - Rhonda Page

"Smile!! because your smile is the sunshine that lights your day..!!" - Alia Syarifiah

"Where ever you go, there you are." -Unknown - Submitted by Christopher Elmore

"If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.." - Anonymous - Submitted by Nicolette Anderson

"Trust on God! but tie your camel." - Hazrat Ali A.S.


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As A Man Thinketh Have a very prosperous and happy week!

John Roberts
Contact Us: www.rebelwithacause.com/contact.htm
