1) The 7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 45
"Happiness is that state of consciousness which
proceeds from the achievement of ones values."
- Ayn Rand
"The difference between a successful person and others
is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but
rather in a lack of will." - Vincent T. Lombardi
"Each of us was born with wings...(and) has the ability
to go farther than we ever thought possible, to do things
beyond our wildest imaginings." – Barbara Stanny
"We tend to get what we expect."
- Norman Vincent Peale
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of
preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."
- Colin Powell
"You must have courage to bet on your ideals, to take
calculated risk, and act. Everyday living requires courage
if life is to be effective and bring happiness."
- Maxwell Maltz
"Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself,
you had bloody well better find some way that is going to
be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around
wondering about yourself." – Katharine Hepburn
2) Featured Product of the Week
3 Percent ClubOnline -
The 3% ClubOnline is a university of learning... learning how to build wealth
within a level of higher consciousness which in turn will provide a wholeness
for oneself, while automatically setting off a chain of events that will allow
monetary wealth. We have researched the lives of the wealthiest people on
the planet and learned what makes them tick. We have discovered the secrets
of both building a financial empire as well as a mental awareness... and it isn't
hard work. It's working smarter. We are a resource center for your present
business, future ventures and self development. We have put together the finest
program to bring you to your dream goal.
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4) Quote Submissions from Our Subscribers
"Remember that life is a party and you are the life of the
party." - Jeff Powers
"When was the last time you have done something for the
first time? Keep Discovering."
- Advertisement Punch for Emirates Air
- Submitted by Asesh Datta
"Friends are like money. Hard to earn and easy to lose."
- Narvijay
- Feature Editor, Dainik Bhaskar, Chandigarh, India
"If you are not part if the solution then you are part of
the problem." - Advocate4victims
"Spend time each day in quiet meditation, for it is the
key to a peaceful, creative mind." - Mary Ann Bracewell
"If you haven't built a new house dont break the one you
have." - David
"If you 'bout to get got, you besa watch out."
- Kari Addington
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Have a very prosperous and happy week!
John Roberts
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