Objective Happiness - The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness.

7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 24 - Sunday, June 12, 2005


1) Prosperity & Happiness Quotes

2) Featured Product of the Week

3) Quotes from Our Subscribers

4) Other Links of Interest

5) View Past Issues


I hope you are well and that these quotes will help you in your search for more prosperity and happiness. It is my pleasure each week to bring some of that to you and those you keep close.

Please submit your comments or questions to the contact link below. Your feedback is much appreciated and so are your quote submissions! Thanks in advance.

1) The 7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 24


1. "People with goals succeed because they know where they are going... It's as simple as that."
Earl Nightingale

2. "One of the great joys of life is creativity. Information goes in, gets shuffled about, and comes out in new and interesting ways."
--Peter McWilliams

3. "It is not doing the thing we like, but liking the thing we have to do that makes life happy."
--Art Linkletter

4. "Few of us do as much as we want to for others. But there is always one gift we can bestow - a smile."
--Marjorie Holms

5. "The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words, pictures and emotions as if we've already achieved them."
--Denis Waitley

6. "Happiness is found along the way - not at the end of the road."
--Sol Gordon

7. "Good humor makes all things tolerable."
--Henry Ward Beecher


2) Featured Product of the Week

Five Hours of Wisdom - Are you looking for a Mentor? Internationally known author Bob Proctor has mentored thousands to success. Now you can listen in and learn from his live TeleSeminars as he mentors more. Five great programs including Making the Impossible Possible, Power of Persistence, Daring Greatly, Life's Great Laws and Calmness. Almost five hours of audio teaching along with five printable study guides. All downloadable so you can start today! To listen to a preview go to: www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/bpwisdom.htm


3) Quotes from Our Subscribers

"God, give us eyes to see the beauty of the spring, and to behold your majesty in every living thing, and may we see in lacy leaves, and every budding flower the hand that rules the universe with gentleness and power."
Helen Steiner Rice - Submitted by Mary Ann Bracewell

"The day you discover you are an independent element of this universe-your journey to infinity begins..."
--arun parmar

"Women's Beauty Cannot Be Understood From Her Face Or Figure, It Is Her Style, Expressions And Feelings That Makes Her Look Beutiful."
--Ashish Mude

"Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk."
--Unknown - Submitted by Habeeb Kotun Sr

A Man Dissatisfied In Marriage Becomes Bachelor By Heart."

"Life is a matter of Give and Take; what you offered life is what life will offer you."
--Adegoke David Adeniyi

"The deadliest weapon...the tongue."
--Phillips Brooks - Submitted by BITSA

Do you have an original or favorite quote?

Submit it at www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/myquote.htm and we will give you full credit. If you submitted a quote in the past and it has yet to appear, it will be posted in a future issue. Thank you for your patience.


4) Other Links of Interest

More Newsletters - www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/ezineplace.htm

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As A Man Thinketh Have a very prosperous and happy week!

John Roberts
Contact Us: www.rebelwithacause.com/contact.htm