Objective Happiness - The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness.

7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 36 - Sunday, September 4, 2005


1) Prosperity & Happiness Quotes

2) Featured Product of the Week

3) Quotes from Our Subscribers

4) Other Links of Interest

5) View Past Issues


I hope you are well and that these quotes will help you in your search for more prosperity and happiness. It is my pleasure each week to bring some of that to you and those you keep close.

Please submit your comments or questions to the contact link below. Your feedback is much appreciated and so are your quote submissions! Thanks in advance.

1) The 7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes for Week 36


1. "Your cultivation of love and great compassion should not be left in a state of mere imagination or wish alone; rather, a sense of responsibility, a genuine intention to engage in the task of relieving sentient beings of their suffering and providing them with happiness should be developed."
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

2. "The great thought, the great concern, the great anxiety of men is to restrict, as much as possible, the limits of their own responsibility."
--Giosué Borsi

3. "Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility... in the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have... is the ability to take on responsibility."
--Michael Korda

4. "Human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility."
--Arnold J. Toynbee

5. "We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility."
--Albert Einstein

6. "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."
--Dr. Denis Waitley

7. "Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him."
--Booker T. Washington


2) Featured Product of the Week

The Law Of Success - The Complete Course. I expect that you've heard of 'Think & Grow Rich'. What you may not know is that it was only a cut-down version of a much larger course developed by Napoleon Hill some nine years earlier. This course was called 'The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons' ...and it ran to a total of 1,170 pages. Discover the virtually unknown manual behind every successful person that ever lived. This timeless information will only be shared with you if you want to USE it to change your life forever. To download a F * R * E * E sample or the full version go to www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/lossample.htm


3) Quotes from Our Subscribers

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something, and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
Edward Everett Hale - Submitted by Mary Ann Bracewell

"Think twice before you act once."
--Joshua Adeyemi Adeshiyan - Submitted by Joshua Daves

"Positive thoughts and actions make you a successful man."

"We didn't make wrong decisions in life. It's just that there's a better one than what we have decided."
--Karoll Yao

"Pure consciousness is Life before it comes into manifestation, and that Life looks at the world of form through 'your' eyes because consciousness is who you are. When you know yourself as That, then you recognize yourself in everything. It is a state of complete clarity of perception. You are no longer an entity with a heavy past that becomes a screen of concepts through which every experience is interpreted."
--Eckhart Tolle - Submitted by Susanna Lee

"Women can do everything that men can do, and in addition deliver babies too."
--Narvijay Singh Yadav

"By blood and origin I am Albanian. My citizenship is Indian. I am a Catholic nun. As to my calling, I belong to the whole world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the heart of Jesus."
--Mother Teresa - Submitted by Alphonse

Do you have an original or favorite quote?

Submit it at www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/myquote.htm and we will give you full credit. If you submitted a quote in the past and it has yet to appear, it will be posted in a future issue. Thank you for your patience.


4) Other Links of Interest

More Newsletters - www.rebelwithacause.com/oh/ezineplace.htm

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As A Man Thinketh Have a very prosperous and happy week!

John Roberts
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