Objective Happiness - The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness

A Self-Empowering Philosophy Of Benevolence, Determination, & Voluntaryism
(Emotion, Thought, & Action)
Body, Mind, & Spirit

The Individual Trinity
The Individual Trinity


1. The Path

2. The Map

3. The Directions

4. The Tools

5. The 'Secret' Formula

6. Notes & Resources

7 Prosperity & Happiness Quotes Archives

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1. The Path

What is the path to objective happiness?

"All men seek one goal: success or happiness. The only way to achieve true success is to express yourself completely in service to society. First, have a definite, clear, practical ideal--a goal, an objective. Second have the necessary means to achieve your ends--wisdom, money, material and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end."
- Aristotle (Linked to Amazon books)

Happiness is living in a state of freely choosing to create and exchange rational values needed for yourself and others. Being on the path to beneficial and long-lasting happiness does not mean you cannot be happy here and now while on the journey towards more happiness. The objective of happiness is not and can never be a final destination that ends, but is found as a never-ending experience while traveling the path of relevant learning and right living. The awareness and reminder of your love of life and discovery of many of your life's purposes will help to keep you on your path. When you find yourself off the path, simply get back on or create another way to your destination. One must be unrestricted to determine one's own health, financial, and individual liberty by discovering and implementing relevant facts and by detecting and eliminating errors in thinking and false information. Using critical thinking skills in its proper context helps to know and understand yourself, which will help to know and understand others, current events, and history. Never give up your natural right of self-determination and self-initiated learning.

"In the nature of our existence, we must act to achieve values. And in order to act appropriately, we need to value the beneficiary of our actions. In order to seek values, we must consider ourselves worthy of enjoying them. In order to fight for our happiness, we must consider ourselves worthy of happiness."
-Nathaniel Branden (Linked to Amazon books)

Always aspire to achieve exactly what you rationally want and allow yourself to receive it. Physical and mental awareness are skills that when practiced wisely will be made stronger. You will receive whatever you expect through thought and unite with emotion and persistent action (See the "Individual Trinity"). Your unique path to happiness, with the help from using the tools below, will guide you to blaze a trail and create your own personal map. The wide open path to happiness is by achieving your rational self-interest through the free creation and exchange of your values with others. You must care!

"You have infinite worth"
-Jeremy Locke, The End Of All Evil (Amazon affiliate link)



2. The Map

Supreme Objective - Supreme Effect:

Primary Values - Primary Causes:
Space, Time, Matter & Energy --- Quality, efficient, productive, & effective.

Liberty --- Self-control (responsibility) & self-interest (freedom).

Productive work, play, purpose & passion --- Creating & exchanging values.

Relationships --- Romance for men & women, friendship, & self-esteem.

Supreme Value - Supreme Cause:
Existence --- Conscious life (vibrant mental and physical health).
Click here to go beyond existence.

Primary Actions:

• Be centered within yourself, own it, and aware of the space around you.

• Be curious to know, honor, and value what is in the here and now.

• Be open and honest within your heart and mind to accept or question what is.

• Be thankful and enjoy what is, including your possible decision to change it.

• Be committed to your self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.

• Be true to yourself and to others, while owning your experiences.

Supreme Action:

• Be joyful in living your purpose based on your freely chosen rational values.
See the diagram of the "Individual Trinity"



3. The Directions

What is the value of happiness? (East)

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."
- Aristotle (Linked to Amazon books)

The creation and exchange of value is the root of all happiness. The love of earned value is the root of all the 'Happy' who have created more value than they have consumed or those who are learning to earn more values. The love of unearned value is the root of all the 'Unhappy' who have consumed more value than they have created or those who are learning to possess more unearned values. The lovers of unearned value envy those who have earned values and cannot exist without them. As individuals, we choose how we will obtain values. At any time, the 'Happy' may choose unhappiness, and the 'Unhappy' may choose happiness.

If you tend to purchase and consume products or services based on an irrational fear of loss or an irrational greed for gain, you may become an artificial creation of that irrationality. Rationality does not lead to the destruction of higher values. Rational fear and loss are natural emotions that are best accepted and deeply felt, which leads to a call to action and then later an appreciation of happiness. As a natural part of life, involuntary loss is best accepted as a challenge to learn, grow, or an opportunity to recover that loss and gain the courage to rationally act through fear. Rational greed is an eagerness to gain specific practical skills that create values and achieve happiness. Gains are likely to be good if they are earned through reason and effort and secured through informed mutual consent and voluntary value exchange.

"Happiness is a state of noncontradictory joy--a joy without penalty or guilt, a joy that does not clash with any of your values and does not work for your own destruction, not the joy of escaping from your mind's fullest power, not the joy of faking reality, but of achieving values that are real, not the joy of a drunkard, but of producer."
-Ayn Rand (Linked to Amazon books)

What is needed to obtain values? (West)
"A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom."
-F. A. Hayek (Linked to Amazon books)

Liberty is the freedom to choose one's own way in life and the responsibility to live with the consequences, while at the same time allowing others the same freedom and expecting from them the same responsibility.

Primary Attributes of the 'Happy'
Integrated Critical Thinking
Independent Inter-dependence
Live Consciously
Open Flexibility




Primary Attributes of the 'Unhappy'
Disintegrated Wishful Thinking
Inter-dependent Dependence
Live by Default
Closed Rigidity

The 'Happy' honestly create and freely exchange values that solve problems where they exist. The 'Unhappy' deceptively and/or forcefully take and use values that create problems where none need exist. For example; the 'Unhappy' purposely create false guilt, fear, and/or trauma in others through deception, rational or not, the emotions are real. In addition, ignorance or complacency may create false paradigms or cognitive dissonance that take away personal power. Fear and trauma tends to block critical thinking and cause logical errors that lead to emotional reactions demanding protection and safety.

Free-markets are maintained by natural forces of 'Supply and Demand'. If there is not enough supply of what is demanded, it is manufactured. The more a supply is manufactured will lower its price, which allows more buyers into the market, which later may in effect raise the price of that supply because of more demand. Those natural market forces will continue until there is a balance and/or harmony between seller (supply) and buyer (demand). If there is no demand, the supply and its price become irrelevant. Deception is made irrelevant with the proper use of critical thinking skills that dispose of irrational demands.

The 'Unhappy' purposely create problems to get reactions in others to implement solutions to achieve their goals, which may or may not be the goals of the 'Happy'. Deception is used as a distraction for the 'Unhappy' to take earned values from the 'Happy'. Knowledge of a deception may at first create anger and then when understood becomes courage to use as cognitive resonance and emotional harmony to take back one's personal power. Knowledge and understanding of these tactics gives the 'Happy' the wisdom to ostracize the creators of manufactured problems.

For the 'Unhappy' to restore their own happiness, they must first never aggress on the lives and property of others and then concentrate on creating values for their own lives and exchanging them with others. If an aggression has taken place, the 'Aggressor' must fully restore all losses to the 'Victim' and then sincerely ask for forgiveness. For the 'Victim' of an aggression to restore their own happiness, they must first be satisfied that their losses have been regained to their fullest extent and then forgive the aggressor to an extent that does not cause resentment while minimizing further guilt of the 'Aggressor'.

Again, the 'Happy' may choose unhappiness at any time, and the 'Unhappy' may choose happiness at any time. So, choose wisely and act accordingly!

"Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom."
-Albert Einstein (Linked to Amazon books)

The only moral use of deception and force is used as a last resort to defend against a harmful and/or unjust attack or threat to one's self or property. You own your life. Others do not have a claim over your life, and you do not have a claim over the life of others.

"A product of your life and liberty is your property. Property is the fruit of your labor--the product of your time, energy and talents--that part of nature from which you have used to create values for yourself and tradable to others through voluntary mutual consent."
-An animated introduction to 'The Philosophy of Liberty'

"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe...."
-Frederick Douglass (Linked to Amazon books)

What is the nature of knowledge and reality? (South)

"If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for self-initiated learning."
-Carl R Rogers (Linked to Amazon books)

New and complex knowledge is integrated, built, and expanded through old and simple knowledge. Knowledge is contextual. Reality is relational. Reality is all of existence that exists here and now.

"Reality is that which exists. It is absolute. It is the standard of the true, the false, and the arbitrary. Things are what they are, independent of our or anyone else's feelings, ideas, wishes, aspirations, and emotions. Or, in the immortal words of Aristotle: A is A. To be, is to be something: finite, limited, and non-contradictory."
--The Capitalism Tour, (capitalism.org)

One's perception of reality is changed only by our relationships to it because of our new knowledge, experiences, and/or set beliefs. Energy/matter and time/space are relative to the perceiver. Everything that exists is composed of matter and energy that cannot be created or destroyed, which always has and always will exist in one form or another.

Objective reality exists independently inter-dependent with one's mind. The facts of reality, which are relevant to you, can be known through your reasoning and feeling capacities, enhanced by the achievement of your needs for survival, love for the advancement of life, and the production of values through honest emotions, rational thoughts, and self-motivated actions.
(See the "Individual Trinity")

"We learn by doing."
-Aristotle (Linked to Amazon books)

What is the cause of action? (North)

"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts, and everything will be well. There is nothing more potent than thought. Deed follows word and word follows thought. The word is the result of a mighty thought, and where the thought is mighty and pure the result is always mighty and pure."
-Mohandas K. Gandhi (Linked to Amazon books)

People may respond to events, circumstances, or situations differently. One's automatic emotional response is determined by one's previously set thoughts and values. A thought may be chosen or unchosen, conscious or unconscious. The words and advice of others may be freely taken when that advice has been integrated into one's own knowledge and understood to be valuable.

To act on the advice from others without regard to outcome avoids the responsibility of independent judgment and freethinking decisions needed to prosper and be happy. Without independent thought, you will become as an automaton. To follow a follower, you are guided to an unknown destination. So, follow only those who have demonstrated success. To be guided by a definite purpose of your choosing, success will follow and meet you at your destination. Persist on your current path and only change direction or strategy when there is a reason because of deeper understanding or clarity, not because of unjustifed or invalid thoughts and emotions.

To become what you want to be, you must respond wisely to what is happening, which requires rational, independent, and creative thought. Since we cannot control all events, circumstances, and situations or know what the emotions of others and ourselves will be, we can learn to experience them in ways that promote better analysis of thought and well-directed actions.

Only one's actions can be judged as moral or immoral. Actions produce emotions that are personal, private, and valid parts of an individual. When emotions are felt and honestly accepted without fear or guilt, the reasoning mind can better know one's deepest values. Pleasure is a sign of acting in harmony with one's values and pain is a sign of acting out of harmony with one's values.

To act solely on one's emotions will likely cause unwanted results. Emotions are not the primary cause of thoughts, but are the effect of one's value judgments that will spark and fuel secondary thoughts and emotions. To act in a way that produces results one desires, one's thoughts and beliefs must be chosen toward that end. Thoughts and beliefs that are ultimately combined with emotions and actions produce tangible results that are parallel to those original thoughts and beliefs.

After one's thoughts and beliefs have changed, one's emotions, actions, and results will change. Choose your thoughts wisely. Upon whatever one consistently thinks, one eventually acts. You will become your consistent thoughts.

"Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does man harvest the sweet and bitter fruits of his own husbandry."
-James Allen



4. The Tools

PERCEIVE and trust your physical sensory tools of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch while at the same time accepting your current mental and physical tools of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions for what they are. Intuition is the sixth-sense, which is not mystical nor is it always irrational. It is simply a subconscious or blocked thought, belief, and/or emotion brought into partial awareness and is best analyzed if time permits. Both physical and mental tools identify your values that may be needed for survival or to enhance your life.
(See the "Individual Trinity")

• Be centered within yourself, own it, and aware of the space around you.

• Be curious to know, honor, and value what is in the here and now.

THINK, FEEL, and then THINK again to deeply understand that perceived data and what it is communicating to you within your context and relation to it. You will either have an unfulfilled need or will be reflecting on the achievement of your values. Use the mental thinking tools of the "Trivium Method", which is a systematic tool that helps to know the facts of reality, understand the context of those facts, and wisely apply that understanding to your life. This tool also reveals potential misinformation and deception while maintaining honesty in self and others:
(1)Grammar, (2)Logic, and (3)Rhetoric.

Answer the 5 'W's (Who, What, When, Where, and Why) including How.

The first four 'W's are the Grammar (Observation and gathering data / Knowledge):
"Who" answers the question, "What is the identity of the person(s) involved?"
"What" answers the question, "What is the identity of the subject, concept, or topic?"
"When" answers the question, "What is the identity of the time?"
"Where" answers the question, "What is the identity of the location or place?"

'Why' is the Logic (Integrating knowledge without contradiction / Understanding):
"Why" answers the question, "What is the identity of the cause?"

'How' is the Rhetoric (Communication of understood knowledge / Wisdom):
"How" answers the question, "What is the identity of the means or process?"

The tools used to deceive or unintentionally disseminate false information and the tools that reveal deception or errors of thinking in ourselves and others may be the same. However, the order in which the thinking tools of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric are used determines the result. If the thinking process is initiated with Logic or Rhetoric, the conclusion is likely to be false because relevant parts of the Grammar may be out of context or missing, thus the result is inconclusive and/or fallacious. Therefore, it is IMPORTANT to begin the thinking process with the questions to identify the answers to the (1) Grammar of (a) Who, (b) What, (c) When, and (d) Where (Observation / Knowledge). THEN follow with questions to answer the (2) Logic (Why: Non-contradictory Identification / Understanding) and FINALLY with questions to answer the (3) Rhetoric (How: Communication / Wisdom).

If a contradiction cannot be resolved then the conclusion is unverified. Relevant facts that are missing must be found. False information and logical errors must be exposed or eliminated. When critical thinking and rationality become a regular practice, the use of this mental self-defense tool protects you from intentional deception or unintentional misinformation that would lead to uninformed decisions to act in contradiction to your better interests.

Critical thinking is a tool for understanding and verifying facts, whether our thoughts and beliefs are challenged or not, whether what we are thinking is correct or not, and whether our beliefs are based on facts or not. Data without formation is fragmented. Be organized. Facts without context is confusion. Be clear. Context without relation is irrelevant. Be appropriate. Knowledge without understanding is useless. Be sensible. Understanding without wisdom is academic. Be practical. Wisdom without integrity is corrupt. Be honest. To understand and admit that you do not know is wise honesty while understanding that you are able to know what can be known is honest wisdom.

"I am wiser than this human being. For probably neither of us knows anything noble and good, but he supposes he knows something when he does not know, while I, just as I do not know, do not even suppose that I do. I am likely to be a little bit wiser than he in this very thing: that whatever I do not know, I do not even suppose I know."
-Socrates (Linked to Amazon books)

If a goal or need is being unfulfilled, determine whether it would be good for you or bad for you if you were to obtain it through your mental seeing and feeling tool of imagination. Visualize it. Feel it. Breathe into it. Watch it with curiosity. Meditate on it. (See it, listen to it, smell it, touch it, taste it, chew it, swallow it, digest it, etc.) Then ask yourself how it makes you feel. Whether the emotion is good, bad, or neutral, just observe, accept, allow, and feel it.

Accepting an emotion is simply being aware of it and does not necessarily mean one has to agree with it. Let whatever happens be all right. If you deny, repress, or fight the emotion, it will gain strength and control you. If you fully accept and feel the emotion, you give yourself the power to understand it, overcome it, and/or release it.

A good feeling is the result of the integration of values with one's thoughts or actions and a bad feeling is the result of the disintegration of values with one's thoughts or actions. Whatever you consciously or subconsciously expect and unite with emotion and persistent action, you will get. Accept and allow what is. Feel deeply and honestly in order to think clearly and logically without emotional blocks to identify and understand your current goals or purposes.

Write down your goals. A momentary thought in the mind may remain an unrealized dream and forgotten, but when written down becomes a goal to be acted upon, achieved and remembered. Turn your dreams into reality by writing about your thoughts and emotions in order to act on the achievement of your goals.

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."
-Albert Einstein (Linked to Amazon books)

If you have a worthy goal that is not currently in the process of fulfillment, you may have not gone outward enough for answers into the unknown but knowable territory. You may be too concerned with irrelevant details. One way to fix this imbalance is to go back to the "Trivium Method" to answer all questions in their proper order and focus your time, energy, and talents toward the fulfillment of your own goals with the possible help from others.

Gather the courage to take advantage of opportunities and risk following your dreams. This will give you an outer perspective and inner satisfaction that will inspire balanced thoughts and emotions, which will lead you to your goal.

If you have not found a worthy goal, you may have not gone inward enough for answers into the unknown but knowable territory. You may be too unconcerned with relevant details. One way to fix this imbalance is to go back to the "Trivium Method" to answer all questions in their proper order and focus your time, energy, and talents toward the fulfillment of the goals of others who may need your help.

Take advantage of opportunities to find out what you really want to do. This will give you an inner perspective and outer satisfaction that will inspire balanced thoughts and emotions, which will lead you to a new purpose. Before you can find or know your purpose, you must find and know yourself.

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly know how far one can go."
-T. S. Eliot (Linked to Amazon books)

• Be curious to know, honor, and value what is in the here and now.

• Be open and honest within your heart and mind to accept or question what is.

• Be committed to your self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.

UNDERSTAND and integrate your initial perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, goals, experiences, concepts, principles, and values. Put that understanding into context in relation to you through a non-contradictory manner. Reality cannot contradict itself. If any perceived data contradicts another, one or more of the data may be misunderstood, lacking or false.

The simple process to transform your intuition into relevant, rational knowledge and understanding is to fill in the blank of this statement, "If I were to understand more of what my intuition is revealing to me, I would ______". Then use the "Think, Feel, and then Think again" tool to validate it. Without enough knowledge, understanding, or context, an unrestrictive belief or intuition may be beneficial to achieve a goal that is possible within the Laws of Nature.

» Know your own belief system and why those beliefs are held as true or probable.
» Remain open minded with honest curiosity and skepticism.
» Begin with an uncertain topic attempting to debunk what is being stated or shown.
» Do not quit until you reach deeper conclusions with objective evidence.
» Contradictions indicate incorrect or missing data.
» Base conclusions on reasoned evidence or most probable causes and effects.
» Repeat with your current belief system.

Find all relevant facts by using honesty, logic, and reason. Any data or information that is not verifiable but falsely understood to be true is a belief that limits awareness and action. Any data or information that is verifiable is knowledge to be truely understood and expands thought and action. Eliminate beliefs when verifiable facts prove them false. A closed mind is not open to wider views and constricts potential knowledge. An open mind sees more expansively and liberates reality for new opportunities to be revealed to you through experience, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

"It is easy enough to say, 'Be true to your values.' But what if your values are irrational? Or what if the virtues you have committed yourself to are so much against human nature that they cannot be practiced consistently? Be careful of what you accept as your code of morality. Think carefully about whether its tenets serve your life and well being. Exercise critical judgment. Realize how much is at stake-your life, your happiness, your self-esteem."
-Nathaniel Branden (Linked to Amazon books)

• Be open and honest within your heart and mind to accept or question what is.

• Be thankful and enjoy what is, including your possible decision to change it.

• Be committed to your self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.

• Be true to yourself and to others, while owning your experiences.

PLAN steps of action within your current purpose to create the map and achieve your goal. Write them down. Start with your goal, and logically work backwards to where you are now to see what needs to be done, step-by-step. If you cannot see or think of the plan fully and completely, simply move in the general direction towards your goal and expect to reach it. When you are moving in the direction of your expectations, you will be able to see the steps needed to reach your goal.

Without a consciously planned map, you will be at the total mercy of events and circumstances out of your control. Within your total control is your plan. Even though you did not cause events and circumstances out of your control, you will have to deal with them rationally and act towards your goal. Become a flexible person and create your own circumstances!

"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action."
--Benjamin Disraeli (Linked to Amazon books)

• Be thankful and enjoy what is, including your possible decision to change it.

• Be committed to your self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.

• Be true to yourself and to others, while owning your experiences.

ACT toward your goal with a determined and persistent focus on each planned step while being aware of the full context and relationship of your current purpose. With every act, there is an opportunity to experience the lessons from each outcome, both good and bad. If your actions are not leading you toward your goal, you may have not understood, or may be lacking some relevant facts. Open and free your mind from self-limiting beliefs in order to liberate new knowledge, deeper understanding, and wider wisdom.

Rid yourself of actions that waste your time, energy, and talents, while at the same time receiving the proper rest and time for reflection. Once reaching the next step of action, you will see with more clarity, think more soundly, and feel more in touch with your current purpose, goals, and expectations. Become dedicated and maintain the habit of doing what needs to be done. Get things done with this simple and effective method called Simpleology.

Keep movement under your feet, a good word on the tip of your tongue, the achievement of your goals on the top of your head, courage in the pit of your gut, and what you love in the center of your heart. Then you will be happy travelling along the path toward your goals.

"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."
-Bernard Edmonds (Linked to Amazon books)

• Be committed to your self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.

• Be true to yourself and to others, while owning your experiences.

• Be joyful in living your purpose based on your freely chosen rational values.



5. The 'Secret' Formula

What is the 'secret' formula to happiness?

"To achieve happiness, we should make certain that we are never without an important goal."
-Earl Nightingale (Linked to Amazon books)

Since, what we have imagined in the past has determined what is happening now; what we imagine today will determine what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, if we want to have a better future, we must be and do the things that must be done in a better way now; learn from our past now; imagine our future now; and experience our best-imagined lives now. Freely Choose to Make a Decision to Move into Action Now!

• Know what you want and then when, where, and why you want it.

• Write your goal in present tense, being positive, and grateful; Read > 3 times daily.

• Mix with positive thoughts and emotions. Include a current action plan.
(See Example)

• Use all your senses when clearly imagining and emoting your goal's accomplishment.

• Keep those good emotions with expectation, gratitude, and no doubts.

• Touch your written goal throughout the day, everyday, to reflect on those good emotions.

Do this continuously until you Understand what you are Thinking & Feeling about; ask yourself How to; and Decide what ACTION(S) to take to achieve your goal. Then Act. You have now become SELF-MOTIVATED! Goal + (Emotion ÷ Reason) × (Imagination - Doubt) + (Gratitude ÷ Persistence) + (Expectation × Action) = Happiness

"You may be the poorest man on the continent, and be deeply in debt; you may have neither friends, influence, nor resources; but if you begin to do things in this way, you must infallibly begin to get rich, for like causes must produce like effects."
- Wallace D. Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich" Free e-Book!

Through honest emotion, rational thought, and self-motivated action, you will gain more knowledge, understanding, and wisdom to succeed.
(See the "Individual Trinity")
A good way to learn is to do, while the best way to do is to move into action now. To learn what is not taught in compulsory schools, corporate/government sponsored colleges, or reported in the biased mass media, I encourage you to explore the following alternative and independent sources of information to discover and challenge your current knowledge and/or belief system. Go to: No More Fake News - Corbett Report - Zero Aggression Project and University of Reason. For more Resources & Tools to enhance your Physical, Mental, & Financial Health & Liberty, Click Here.
May you live a long, healthy, successful, liberty-filled, prosperous, and happy life. Thank You!
John Roberts


(An example of the formula in action)

My Goal

I am very happy and grateful now that I easily continue to attract highly self-motivated people who:
• Freely choose to join with me or allow me to join with them in the discovery, study, and application of the principles within this formula and other personal growth and business tools while together we:
• Freely create and exchange rational values for others in order to:
• Actively or passively earn multiple sources of income and continually:
• Achieve our own personal health, success, prosperity, and happiness.

My Action Plan

• Be centered within myself, own it, and aware of the space around me.
• Be curious to know, honor, and value what is in the here and now.
• Be open and honest within my heart and mind to accept or question what is.
• Be thankful and enjoy what is, including my possible decision to change it.
• Be committed to my self-responsibility, benevolence, and integrity.
• Be true to myself and to others, while owning my experiences.
• Be joyful in living my purpose based on my freely chosen rational values.



6. Notes & Resources

I - Notes
Who Are You? | The Philosophical Tree | Political Physics

II - Notes
What Kind Of World Is This? | Political Logic | The Unclouded Mind

III - Notes
The Business vs. The Criminal Mind | Let's Play Monopoly! | Absolute Relativity

IV - Notes
What Is The Controller of Nature? | Subjective vs. Objective Laws / Natural Law | The New Constitution

Objective Happiness
(Personal Philosophy)

Prosperity & Happiness Quotes

Self-Development Links

Liberty Links

Free eBook



In Association with Amazon.com


Articles By Stuart Goldsmith

*Aspiring Millionaires Believe in Property Rights
*Believe That You
Deserve To Be Wealthy
*How to Become Wealthy By Creating Values *The Rot
Starts Early
*How to
Talk & Win
*Living a Meaningful Life
*Five Steps to Turbo Charge Your Dreams
*The Lottery of Wealth
*It's Not Just the Money
*Six Power Steps
*The Future You
*Do You Have Enough Already?
*The Power of Discipline
*Go The Extra Mile






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